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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
UJALA +sewing machine 7
UNIK +machine & circles 9
UNIVERSAL +sewing machine 7
UTSAV papad machine 7
V YILI shoes machine 7
VAC MAN suction machine 12
VAITAL machine clean +oval 30
machine 23
VESPA sewing machine 7
VICKY enterprise +machine 7
VIDHATA +sewing machine 7
VISCOUNT machine +oval 7
VRAJ cotton picking machine 7
WE NOBLE icecream machine 7
WIDMA machine tool division 7
WOLEX machine rotatives 7
YAMOTA sewing machine oil 4
YASH +machine 7
YLDER sewing machine +oval 7
ZEN lathe machine +ovals 7
ZETINA +sewing machine 7
ZHK embroidery machine 7
a ADROL +machine & circle 4
fine-90 machine oil +hand 4
jay GANESG +sewing machine 7
k KONARK machine tools 7
man machine & circle 1
man & machine 9, 27
man on machine 8
perfect +machine 23
printing machine 16
rag machine 25
s +sewing machine 7
sewing machine 18, 25
sewing machine & hut 7
machine 7
tester +machine & globe 7
woman & sewing machine 23, 26
machinecut JK +circles 30
AMAR +machinery 7
DOLL PLAST machinery inc. 7
EURORA shoe machinery +glob 7
FOROOK thread machinery 7
GLOBAL shoe machinery +glob 7
machinery 7
MC CRAFTSMAN machinery 7
NISHO apparel machinery 7
SKY guru nanak machinery 6
SUNIL RAJ +machinery 7
SUNRISE garment machinery 7, 11, 16
UNIVERSAL machinery inc. 7
VICHA machinery 7
machines 7, 35
A ABHINAV machines 7
ANGEL machines 7
machines 7
GARG machines +machine 7
GRAPE brand oil +machines 4
HELLO MACHINE +machines 35, 38
J TECH sewing machines 7
JAY-SHREE machines 7
KHANDA brand machines 7
MAX +drill machines 8
MONA drill machines 7
NACHIYAR machines & spares 35
ON THE GO (vending machines 5, 31, 33
PAM-PAC machines 7
PLANO +boy & machines 28
machines 7
S JABS sewing machines 7
SALORA sewing machines 7
SEC machines 7
SEEGAR S +machines 4
SENIOR OIL +machines & tool 4
SHAH stone machines 7
SUMEET machines pounder 7
SUN TECH sewing machines 7
TL PATHAK GROUP +machines 7, 16, 35, 37
VASANTH machines 7
VEC chocolate machines 7
YASH textile machines +oval 7
YES embroidery machines 7
ZEMSY embroidery machines 7
drops & machines 7, 11
woodtech machines 7
505 DOUBLE POWER machis 34
BHAGAT chhap machis +man 34
BUL BUL machis +bird 34
DULHAN machis +woman 34
BULLET machismo 12
machli TUNA 29
OZIFIC machli 29
ATLAS macho 12
M mack 25
J maco 6
macro MAGIC 9, 42
RUPA macroman 25
mad(e) in india +design 16
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